<HTML> ... </HTML>
This element identifies the document as containing HTML elements
and serves to surround all of the remaining text, including all other elements.
That is, the document should be constructed thus :
Here is all the rest of the document, including any elements.
The HTML element is not visible upon HTML user agent rendering
and can contain only the <HEAD> and <BODY> elements.
<HEAD> ... </HEAD>
The head of an HTML document is an unordered collection of
information about the document. It requires the Title element between
<HEAD> and </HEAD> elements :
Introduction to HTML
The <HEAD> and </HEAD> elements do not directly
affect the look of the document when rendered.
<TITLE> ... </TITLE>
Every HTML document must have a Title element. The title should
be some arbitrary string that identifies the contents of the document and may be
used in history lists, or as a label for the windows displaying the document.
Unlike headings, titles are not typically rendered in the text of a document
The Title element must occur within the head of the document and
may not contain anchors, paragraph elements, or highlighting. Only one title is
allowed in a document.
NOTE : The length of a title is not limited, however, long
titles may be truncated. To minimize the possibility, titles should be kept as
succinct as possible. Also keep in mind that a short title, such as
'Introduction' may be meaningless out of context. An example of a meaningful
title might be 'Introduction to HTML elements'
This is the only element that is required within the Head
element. The other elements described are optional and can be used when
Introduction to HTML</TITLE>
<BODY> ... </BODY>
The body of a HTML document contains all the text and images
that make up the page, together with all the HTML elements that provide the
control/formatting of the page (unless the document uses a style sheet to
control presentation). The format is :
The document contents are included here.
It is possible to control the document colour scheme and
background by specifying certain attributes in the <BODY ...> declaration.
However, it should be noted that most browsers provide the user with a means to
over-ride colour schemes and prevent images from loading.
attribute can be used to point to an image file that will be tiled across the
browser window, to provide a background for the document. Specifying :
<BODY BACKGROUND="URL or path/filename.gif">
Document here
would cause whatever text, images, etc. appeared in that
document to be placed on a background consisting of the (filename.gif) graphics
file being tiled to cover the viewing area.
attribute, allows setting of the background colour for the document.
<BODY BGCOLOR="#rrggbb">
Document here
Where "#rrggbb" is a hexadecimal red-green-blue
triplet used to specify the background colour
If a background image or colour is used it will probably be
necessary to alter the foreground colours in order to establish a sensible
contrast for the document.
This attribute is used to control the colour of all the normal
text in the document. This basically consists of all text that is not specially
coloured to indicate a link. The format of TEXT is the same as that of BGCOLOR.
<BODY TEXT="#rrggbb">
Document here
Block Formatting Elements
Block formatting elements are used for the formatting of whole
blocks of text within a HTML document, rather than single characters. They
should all (if present) be within the body of the document.
Some essential block formatting elements are :
- - Specifying the ‘default’
font size for the document.
- - To quote text
from another source
- <BR>
- - Force a line break
- <CENTER> ... </CENTER>
- - Centering text on the
- <FONT ...> ... </FONT>
- - Setting/changing the
font size, colour and type
- <H1> ... </H1>
- - Format six levels of heading
- <HR>
- - Renders a sizeable hard line on the page
- <P> ... </P>
- - Specify what text constitutes a
paragraph and its alignment
- <PRE> ... </PRE>
- - Use text already formatted
This changes the size of the BASEFONT, that all relative font
size changes are based on. It defaults to 3, and has a valid range of 1-7.
This attribute allows changing of the face of the HTML document
<BASEFONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica">
The BLOCKQUOTE element is used to contain text quoted from
another source.
A typical rendering would be a slight extra left and right
indent, and/or italic font. The BLOCKQUOTE element causes a paragraph break, and
typically provides space above and below the quote.
Example of use:
I think the poem ends
Soft you now, the fair Ophelia. Nymph, <BR>in thy orisons, be all
my <BR>sins remembered.
but I am not sure.
The Line Break element specifies that a new line must be started
at the given point. A new line indents the same as that of line-wrapped text.
Example of use:
Pease porridge hot<BR>
Pease porridge cold<BR>
Pease porridge in the pot<BR>
Nine days old.
With the introduction of floating images it became necessary to
expand the <BR> element. Normal <BR> still just inserts a line
break. A CLEAR
attribute has been added to <BR>, so :
CLEAR=left will break the line, and move
vertically down until there is a clear left margin (no floating images).
CLEAR=right does the same for the right margin.
CLEAR=all moves down until both margins are clear of images.
All lines of text between the beginning and end <CENTER>
elements are centred between the current left and right margins.
<CENTER>All this text would be centred in the page</CENTER>
<FONT ...> … </FONT>
The element is <FONT SIZE=value>.
Valid values range from 1-7 and the default font size is 3. The value given to
size can optionally have a '+' or '-' character in front of it to specify that
it is relative to the document basefont (if the size specified takes the font
size above 7 or below 1, then values of 7 and 1 would be used). As said, the
default font size is 3, and can be changed with the <BASEFONT ...>
<FONT SIZE=4> changes the font size to 4
<FONT SIZE=+2> changes the font size to
SIZE ...> + 2 </FONT>,
or to 5 if no <BASEFONT SIZE ...> has been set.
Internet Explorer and Netscape support the ability to change the
font colour as well as face type. They use the COLOR
and FACE
attributes to the <FONT> element.
COLOR = #rrggbb or colourname
The colour attribute sets the colour which text will appear in
on the screen. Rrggbb is a hexadecimal colour denoting a colour value.
Alternately, the colour can be set to one of the named colours supported by the
browsers. For details, see the colour names section <BODY> element.
<FONT COLOR=#ff0000>This text is red.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR=Red>This text is also red.</FONT>
FACE = name [,name] [,name]
The FACE attribute sets the typeface that will be used to
display the text on the screen. The type face displayed must already be
installed on the users computer. Substitute type faces can be specified in case
the chosen type face is not installed on the customers computer. If no match is
found, the text will be displayed in the default type according to the browser
preference settings.
<FONT FACE="Arial, Lucida Sans"> This
text will be displayed in either Arial, Lucida Sans, or Times Roman, depending
on which fonts you have installed on your system.</FONT>
NOTE : When using this element, care should be taken to try to
use font types that will be installed on the users computer if you want the text
to appear as desired. Changing the font face is supported by Internet Explorer
and Netscape only.
<H1> ... </H1> Headings
HTML defines six levels of heading. A Heading element implies
all the font changes, paragraph breaks before and after, and white space
necessary to render the heading.
The highest level of headings is <H1>, followed by
<H2> ... <H6>.
Example of use:
<H1>This is a heading</H1>
Here is some text
<H2>Second level heading</H2>
Here is some more text.
Included in the HTML level 3.2 specification is the ability to
align Headings.
The ALIGN=left|center|right
attribute has been added to the <H1> through to <H6> elements. e.g :
<H1 ALIGN=center>Hello, this is a heading</H1>
would align a heading of style 1 in the centre of the page.
A Horizontal Rule element is a divider between sections of text
such as a full width horizontal rule or equivalent graphic.
Example of use:
<ADDRESS>February 8, 1995, CERN</ADDRESS>
The <HR> element specifies that a horizontal rule of some
sort (The default being a shaded engraved line) be drawn across the page. To
this element recent browsers have added support for 4 new attributes which allow
the document author to describe how the horizontal rule should look
attributes lets the author give an indication of how thick they wish the
horizontal rule to be. A pixel value should be given.
The default horizontal rule is always as wide as the page. With
attribute, the author can specify an exact width in pixels, or a relative width
measured in percent of document width.
<HR WIDTH=400>
<HR WIDTH=80%>
Now that horizontal rules do not have to be the width of the
page it possible to specify the horizontal alignment of the rule.
<HR ALIGN=left|right|center>
For those times when a solid bar is required, the NOSHADE
attribute specifies that the horizontal rule should not be shaded at all.
<P> ... </P>
The Paragraph element indicates a paragraph. Typically,
paragraphs are surrounded by a vertical space of one line or half a line. With
some browsers, the first line in a paragraph is indented. The closing </P>
tag is optional.
Example of use:
<H1>This Heading Precedes the Paragraph</H1>
<P>This is the text of the first paragraph.
<P>This is the text of the second paragraph.Although you do not
need to start paragraphs on new lines, maintaining this convention facilitates
document maintenance.
<P>This is the text of a third paragraph.
Included in the HTML level 3.2 specification is the ability to
align paragraphs
Basically, ALIGN=left|center|right
attributes have been added to the <P> element.
Example of use:
<P ALIGN=LEFT> ... </P>
All text within the paragraph will be aligned to the left side of the page
layout. This setting is equal to the default <P> element.
All text within the paragraph will be aligned to the centre of the page.
<P ALIGN=RIGHT> ... </P>
All text will be aligned to the right side of the page.
<PRE> ... </PRE>
The Preformatted Text element presents blocks of text in
fixed-width font, and so is suitable for text that has been formatted on screen.
The <PRE> element may be used with the optional WIDTH
attribute, which is a Level 1 feature. The WIDTH attribute specifies the maximum
number of characters for a line and allows the HTML user agent to select a
suitable font and indentation. If the WIDTH attribute is not present, a width of
80 characters is assumed.
Within preformatted text:
The <P> element should not be used
Anchor elements and character highlighting elements may be
Elements that define paragraph formatting (headings,
address, etc.) must not be used.
Example of use:
<PRE WIDTH="80">
This is an example line.
Hypertext Links
<A...> ... </A> Anchor
The Anchor element is the essence of HTML. It is marked text
that is the start and/or destination of a hypertext link. Anchor elements are
defined by the <A> element. The <A> element accepts several
attributes, but either the NAME or HREF attribute is required.
Attributes of the <A> element :
If the HREF attribute is present, the text between the opening
and closing anchor elements becomes hypertext. If this hypertext is selected by
readers, they are moved to the document specified by the value of the attribute.
Example :
See <A HREF="http://subnet.virtual-pc.com/
~le387818/">The HTMLib site</A>for updated info on the HTMLib.
In this example, selecting "The HTMLib site" takes the
reader to a document located at http://www.htmlib.com/
is the HTMLib web site)
With the HREF attribute, the form HREF="#identifier"
can refer to another anchor in the same document.
Example :
The <A HREF="document.html#glossary">
glossary</A>defines terms used in the document.
In this example, selecting "glossary" takes the reader
to another anchor (i.e <A NAME="glossary">Glossary</A>)
in the document document.html. The NAME attribute is described below. If the
anchor is in another document and the HREF attribute provides a partial URL, the
new document will be resolved from either the present document, or from any
specified base address.
Several other forms of the HREF attribute are permitted by
browsers. Some are as follows :
<A HREF="http://..."> Makes a link to another
document located on a World Wide Web server.
<A HREF="ftp://..."> Makes a link to an ftp
site. Within an HTML document, normally a connection to an anonymous ftp site
would be made
<A HREF="mailto:..."> Activating such a link
would bring up the browsers mailing dialog (or registered mail program) allowing
the user to send mail messages to the author of the document, or whoever’s
address follows the mailto attribute.
If present, the NAME attribute allows the anchor to be the
target of a link. The value of the NAME attribute is an identifier for the
anchor. Identifiers are arbitrary strings but must be unique within the HTML
Example of use:
<A NAME="coffee">Coffee</A> is an
example of...
This establishes an anchor or "bookmark" on the page at the word
An example of this is:
<A HREF="#coffee">coffee</A>.
This links to the anchor at the word "Coffee". When clicked the
browser will jump to the sentence starting with "Coffee is an example
Another document can then make a reference explicitly to this
anchor by putting the identifier after the address, separated by a hash sign :
<A NAME="drinks.html#coffee">
Browser windows can now have names associated with them. Links
in any window can refer to another window by name. When the link is activated,
the document referenced will appear in that named window. If the window is not
already open, the browser will open and name a new window for you. Such an
action is only supported by Netscape and Internet Explorer.
The syntax for the targeted windows is:
<A HREF="url.html" TARGET="window_name">Link
Information Type and Character Formatting Elements
Information type elements:
NOTE : Different information type elements may be rendered in
the same way. The following are what are sometimes called Logical formatting
elements. They suggest to the browser that the enclosed text should be rendered
in a way according to the browser, rather than fixing the display type.
- <CODE> ... </CODE>
- - An example of Code
- <EM> ... </EM>
- - Emphasis
- <KBD> ... </KBD>
- - User typed text
- <STRONG> ... </STRONG>
- - Strong typographic emphasis
- <!-- ... -->
- - Defining comments
Character formatting elements:
Elements that do this, are character formatting elements, also
known as Physical elements, that produce strict rendering of the text.
- <B> ... </B>
- - Boldface type
- <BIG> ... </BIG>
- - Big text
- <I> ... </I>
- - Italics
- <SMALL> ... </SMALL>
- - Small text
- <STRIKE> ... </STRIKE>
- - Text that has been struckthrough
- <SUB> ... </SUB>
- - Subscript
- <SUP> ... </SUP>
- - Superscript
- <TT> ... </TT>
- - TypeType (or Teletype)
- <U> ... </U>
- - Underlined text
None of the Information type or Character formatting elements have attributes.
<IMG...> In-line images
The Image element is used to incorporate in-line graphics into
an HTML document. This element cannot be used for embedding other HTML text.
The Image element, which is empty (no closing element), has
these attributes:
<IMG ALIGN=left|right|top|texttop|middle
ALIGN=left image will float the image to the left margin
(into the next available space there), and subsequent text will wrap around
the right hand side of that image.
ALIGN=right will align the image aligns with the right
margin, and the text wraps around the left.
ALIGN=top aligns itself with the top of the tallest item
in the line.
ALIGN=texttop aligns itself with the top of the tallest
text in the line (this is usually but not always the same as ALIGN=top).
ALIGN=middle aligns the baseline of the current line with
the middle of the image.
ALIGN=absmiddle aligns the middle of the current line
with the middle of the image.
ALIGN=baseline aligns the bottom of the image with the
baseline of the current line.
ALIGN=bottom aligns the bottom of the image with the
baseline of the current line.
ALIGN=absbottom aligns the bottom of the image with the
bottom of the current line.
Optional text as an alternative to the graphic for rendering in
non-graphical environments. Alternate text should be provided for whenever the
graphic is not rendered (i.e. if the user has image loading turned off).
Alternate text is mandatory for Level 0 documents. Internet Explorer also uses
any ALT text set as a ToolTip to be displayed when the users mouse pauses over
the image.
Example of use:
<IMG SRC="triangle.gif"
ALT="Warning:"> Be sure to read these instructions.
The value of the SRC attribute is the URL of the image to be
embedded. Its syntax is the same as that of the HREF attribute of the <A>
element. SRC is mandatory.
<IMG SRC ="triangle.gif"> Be sure to read these
<IMG WIDTH=value HEIGHT=value>
If the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes are used, the viewer of their
document will not have to wait for the image to be loaded and its size
calculated. The browser can determine the layout of the text around the image
and display the text first. Netscape is the only browser that will scale the
whole image if either the WIDTH or HEIGHT attributes are specified, maintaining
the aspect ratio. If both are specified then the image is displayed accordingly.
WIDTH and HEIGHT values are entered in pixels.
<IMG BORDER=value>
This lets the document author control the thickness of the
border around an image displayed. This can be set to 0 so that if the image is
surrounded by <A> elements, the normal link border will not be shown.
<IMG VSPACE=value HSPACE=value>
The VSPACE attribute controls the vertical space above and below
the image, while HSPACE controls the horizontal space to the left and right of
the image. They allow setting of a 'margin' around the image which is kept as
white space - useful to prevent text wrapping right up to floating images.
Using the LOWSRC attribute, it is possible to use two images in
the same space.
The syntax is :
<IMG SRC="highres.gif" LOWSRC="lowres.jpg">
Browsers that do not rrecognizethe LOWSRC attribute cleanly
ignore it and simply load the image called "highres.gif".
Netscape will load the image called "lowres.jpg" on
its first layout pass through the document. Then, when the document and all of
its images are fully loaded, will do a second pass through and load the image
called "highres.gif" in place. This means that a very low-resolution
version of an image loaded initially and if the user stays on the page after the
initial layout phase, a higher-resolution version of the same image can
"fade in" and replace it.
Both GIF (both normal and interlaced) and JPEG images can be
freely interchanged using this method. Both images will be scaled according to
any WIDTH/HEIGHT attribute values present in the <IMG ...> element.
If the images are of different sizes and a fixed height and
width are not specified in the IMG element, the second image (the image
specified by the SRC attribute) will be scaled to the dimensions of the first (LOWSRC)
List Elements
HTML supports several types of lists, all of which may be
nested. If used they should be present in the body of a HTML document.
<OL> ... </OL>
The Ordered List element is used to present a numbered list of
items, sorted by sequence or order of importance.
An ordered list must begin with the <OL> element which is
immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) element.
<LI>Click the Web button to open the Open the URL window.
<LI>Enter the URL number in the text field of the Open URL
window. The Web document you specified is displayed.
<LI>Click highlighted text to move from one link to
The Ordered List element can take the COMPACT
attribute, which suggests that a compact rendering be used.
The average ordered list counts 1, 2, 3, ... etc. The TYPE
attribute allows different count mark types
- - capital letters. e.g. A, B, C ...
- TYPE=a
- - small letters. e.g. a, b, c ...
- - large roman numerals. e.g. I, II, III ...
- TYPE=i
- - small roman numerals. e.g. i, ii, iii ...
- TYPE=1
- - or the default numbers. e.g. 1, 2, 3 ...
For lists that need to start at values other than 1 the START
attribute can be used.
START is always specified in the default numbers, and will be
converted based on TYPE before display. Thus START=5 would display either an
'E', 'e', 'V', 'v', or '5' based on the TYPE attribute.
To give even more flexibility to lists, the TYPE attribute can
be used to change the list type for the item, and all subsequent items.
NOTE : The TYPE attribute used in the <OL> Element and the
<LI> Element and the START attribute in the <OL> Element are
supported only by Netscape and the Internet Explorer.
<UL> ... </UL>
The Unordered List element is used to present a list of items
which is typically separated by white space and/or marked by bullets.
An unordered list must begin with the <UL> element which
is immediately followed by a <LI> (list item) element:
<LI>First list item
<LI>Second list item
<LI>Third list item
The Unordered List element can take the COMPACT
attribute, which suggests that a compact rendering be used.
The basic bulleted list has a default nesting progression of
bullet types that change according to the level of the list item, from a solid
disc, to a circle to a square.
<DL> ... </DL>
A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding
definitions. Definition lists are typically formatted with the term flush-left
and the definition, formatted paragraph style, indented after the term.
Example of use:
<DD>This is the definition of the first term.
<DD>This is the definition of the second
If the <DT> term does not fit in the <DT> column
(one third of the display area), it may be extended across the page with the
<DD> section moved to the next line, or it may be wrapped onto successive
lines of the left hand column.
The opening list element must be <DL> and must be
immediately followed by the first term (<DT>).
The definition list type can take the COMPACT
attribute, which suggests that a compact rendering be used, because the list
items are small and/or the entire list is large.
Unless you provide the COMPACT attribute, the HTML user agent
may leave white space between successive <DT>, <DD> pairs. The
COMPACT attribute may also reduce the width of the left-hand (<DT>) column.
<DD>This is the first definition in compact
<DD>This is the second definition in compact
At present, the table HTML elements are :
- <TABLE> ... </TABLE>
- - The Table delimiter.
- <TR ...> ... </TR>
- - Used to specify number of rows in a table.
- <TD ...> ... </TD>
- - Specifies table data cells.
- <TH ...> ... </TH>
- - Table Header cell.
- <CAPTION ...> ... </CAPTION>
- - Specifies the table Caption.
Table widths and heights.
There is some confusion about the support for the WIDTH
attributes within the <TABLE>, <TH> and <TD> elements. I have
tried to define the various nuances of these attributes below.
In the <TABLE> element.
Both Netscape and Internet Explorer support the use of WIDTH and
HEIGHT "value%" and "pixel_value" settings for this element.
In the <TH> element.
Netscape will support use of the WIDTH "value%" and
"pixel_value" for this element (it only supports the HEIGHT attribute
for the main <TABLE> element). Internet Explorer supports only use of the
"pixel_value" setting for the WIDTH attribute, but both percentage and
absolute pixel values for the HEIGHT attribute within this element. If only one
header has a WIDTH, or HEIGHT attribute set, then the setting is used for all the
columns/rows of the table (for Internet Explorer) that the header is part of. If
more than one WIDTH/HEIGHT setting is used for header elements within a table
column, or row, then the largest of all the settings will be used. Any setting
of the attributes within this element (percentage, or absolute pixel values),
will be proportioned according to any percentage, or absolute widths set in the
<TABLE> element.
In the <TD> element.
Netscape will support use of the WIDTH "value%" and
"pixel_value" for this element (it only supports the HEIGHT attribute
for the main <TABLE> element). Internet Explorer supports only use of the
"pixel_value" setting for the WIDTH attribute, but both percentage and
absolute pixel values for the HEIGHT attribute within this element. If only one
cell has a WIDTH, or HEIGHT attribute set, then the setting is used for all the
columns/rows of the table that the cell is part of. If more than one
WIDTH/HEIGHT setting is used for header elements within a table column, or row,
then the largest of all the settings will be used. Any setting of the attributes
within this element (percentage, or absolute pixel values), will be proportioned
according to any percentage, or absolute widths set in the <TABLE>
<TABLE> ... </TABLE>
This is the main wrapper for all the other table elements, and
other table elements will be ignored if they aren't wrapped inside of a
<TABLE> ... </TABLE> element.
The <TABLE> element has the following attributes :
This attribute appears in the <TABLE> element. If present,
borders are drawn around all table cells. If absent, there are no borders, but
by default space is left for borders, so the same table with and without the
BORDER attribute will have the same width. By default, tables are rendered
without borders. The value should be a pixel value.
This attribute allows control over the space used between cells
in a table. The value should be a pixel value.
This attribute allows control over the space inserted between
the cell data and cell wall in a table. The value should be a pixel value.
gives the most compact table possible.
This attribute is used to describe the desired width of this
table, either as an absolute width in pixels, or a percentage of document width.
Ordinarily complex heuristics are applied to tables and their cells to attempt
to present a pleasing looking table. Setting the WIDTH attribute overrides those
heuristics and instead effort is put into fitting the table into the desired
width as specified.
See the note about table widths and heights for some extra
information of these attributes.
This attribute describes the height of the table, either as a
particular pixel value, or as a percentage of the display window. As for the
WIDTH attribute above, setting this attribute will override the browsers
internal display mechanism and it will render the table according to the values
Microsoft's Internet Explorer (version 2.0 and above) and
Netscape support the ALIGN attribute to the <TABLE> element. Like that
used for floating images, it allows a table to be aligned to the left or right
of the page, allowing text to flow around the table. Also, as with floating
images, it is necessary to have knowledge of the <BR CLEAR=…> element,
to be able to organize the text so as to minimize any unwanted clashing.
<TR ...> ... </TR>
This specifies a table row. The number of rows in a table is
exactly specified by how many <TR> elements are contained within it,
regardless of cells that may attempt to use the ROWSPAN attribute to span into
non-specified rows.
The <TR> element can have the following attributes.
This controls whether text inside the table cell(s) is aligned
to the left side of the row, the right side of the cell, or centred within the
cell. Values are left, center, and right.
This attribute controls whether text inside the table cell(s) is
aligned to the top of the row, the bottom of the cell, or vertically centred
within the cell. It can also specify that all the cells in the row should be
vertically aligned to the same baseline. Values are top, middle, bottom and
<TD ...> ... </TD>
This stands for table data, and specifies a standard table data
cell. Table data cells must only appear within table rows. Each row need not
have the same number of cells specified as short rows will be padded with blank
cells on the right. A cell can contain any of the HTML elements normally present
in the body of an HTML document. The default alignment of table data is
ALIGN=left and VALIGN=middle. These alignments are overridden by any alignments
specified in the containing <TR> element, and those alignments in turn are
overridden by any ALIGN or VALIGN attributes explicitly specified on this cell.
By default lines inside of table cells can be broken up to fit within the
overall cell width. Specifying the NOWRAP attribute for a <TD> prevents
line breaking for that cell.
<TD ...> ... </TD> can accept the following
This attribute controls whether text inside the table cell(s) is
aligned to the left side of the cell, the right side of the cell, or centred
within the cell. Values are left, center, and right.
The VALIGN attribute controls whether text inside the table
cell(s) is aligned to the top of the cell, the bottom of the cell, or vertically
centred within the cell. It can also specify that all the cells in the row
should be vertically aligned to the same baseline. Values are top, middle,
bottom and baseline.
This attribute is used to describe the desired width of the
cell, either as an absolute width in pixels, or a percentage of table width.
Ordinarily complex heuristics are applied to tables and their cells to attempt
to present a pleasing looking table. Setting the WIDTH attribute overrides those
heuristics and instead effort is put into fitting the table into the desired
width as specified.
See the note about table widths and heights for some extra
information of these attributes.
This attribute describes the height of the cell, either as a
particular pixel value, or as a percentage of the table width. As for the WIDTH
attribute above, setting this attribute will override the browsers internal
display mechanism and it will render the table according to the values given.
If this attribute appears in any table cell (<TH> or
<TD>) it means the lines within this cell cannot be broken to fit the
width of the cell. Be cautious in use of this attribute as it can result in
excessively wide cells.
This attribute can appear in any table cell (<TH> or
<TD>) and it specifies how many columns of the table this cell should
span. The default COLSPAN for any cell is 1.
This attribute can appear in any table cell (<TH> or
<TD>) and it specifies how many rows of the table this cell should span.
The default ROWSPAN for any cell is 1. A span that extends into rows that were
never specified with a <TR> will be truncated.
<TH ...> ... </TH>
This stands for table header. Header cells are identical to data
cells in all respects, with the exception that header cells are in a bold FONT,
and have a default ALIGN=center.
<TH ...> ... </TH> can contain the same attributes
as <TD…> … </TD>.
<CAPTION ...> ... </CAPTION>
This represents the caption for a table. <CAPTION>
elements should appear inside the <TABLE> but not inside table rows or
cells. Like table cells, any document body HTML can appear in a caption.
The <CAPTION> element can accept the following attributes.
The ALIGN attribute controls whether the caption appears above
or below the table, and can have the values top or bottom, defaulting to top.
Microsoft's Internet Explorer allows use of left, right and center for the
alignment of the <CAPTION> element. This forces the caption text to be
aligned flush-left, flush-right, or centred within the boundaries of the table.
Microsoft's Internet Explorer allows use of the VALIGN attribute
inside the <CAPTION> element. It specifies whether the caption text should
be displayed at the top or bottom of the table.